Monday, April 18, 2011

alright, alright, alright, alright alright....

Okay, no. I still haven't heard from efy. (That was the efy cheer before.) I am GOING CRAZY. You just don't understand how frustrated I am. I just wanna know!!!!!

In other news, I got the new Harry Potter movie. I've already watched it twice since Friday. I have a problem. But, is it so bad that I find Ron kinda hot. Yes, he is a redhead. I already told you I'm attracted to them. Get over it.

I had like four friends get married this past weekend. Gosh, does that really inform you of how single you really are. SUCKSSSSSS. And the worst part is that they're all younger then me. Like, really? I was supposed to be getting married this year and then that part of my life came crashing to a hault. But, that was sad and I'd prefer not to relive my crying every night days. But, I am happy for them. They are all so in love and it's so cute to watch them. And especially my roommate, Sarah. I'm so glad that she married her missionary. So adorable. They're really cute together.

Sorry I don't have any pictures. I've been slacking in the picture department lately. I'll have to get back on that.


stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel better I haven't heard anything from EFY either. it is very frustrating because I need to find a job!
