Monday, March 14, 2011

you gotta cut your losses

Sometimes, you gotta cut your losses. Today I deleted all of my voicemails saved from Ryan.

It feels weird, really weird. But, I think it's time to move on. I think last night I reached the point where I'm fed up. I'm not gonna hope for anything anymore. The way it ended... it just wasn't right. It just didn't seem personal. I felt like I was reading a recording. I haven't heard from him since, either.

I guess I just had to get to the point where I didn't want to waste my time anymore. It's over and it's been over. And, I think I'm actually okay with that.

Today my roommate told me a profound statement that her professor shared with her class. She reminded me that Heavenly Father isn't just going to dangle someone in my face that I think is great. He doesn't pick or tease on you. He truly wants what is best for you. She reminded me that He will only bless me with bigger and better.

I mean, Ryan was great. He really was. And to think that I will be blessed with better is amazing. Thank you Heavenly Father for wanting what is best for me.


  1. Good for you Maria! :) I'm proud of you for moving past this, you are an amazing girl, the Lord has someone great out there for you!!

  2. awww Maria I love this...I have been listening to a video from glee and if you haven't seen it, here it is:

    I love it and it is very inspiring to continue with life and keep trying
