Saturday, December 31, 2011

let's get crunkkkkkkk!

Happy new year, blog followers.

You know, I'm not one to make new years resolutions. They always seem to be broken fairly quickly. And let's face it, we're all human and none of us are perfect.

But, here I am making them anyway. I guess mine aren't really resolutions, but more like goals. I'm trying to make them attainable, you know, so that I can actually attain them.

1. Try to be less upfront with people. They don't need to see my entire personality in the first 2 minutes they meet me.
2. Take my schooling seriously. As in, no play until homework is done.
3. Stop judging people. They don't deserve me.
4. Learn to budget my money and do it successfully for at least one month.
5. Hopefully get married, or at least be in a serious relationship. (Cause I mean, we all deserve that.)

So anyway, those are my goals. I think they are attainable for the most part. I don't really have all that much control over getting married, but I'll do the best I can.

Happy New Year, y'all. Get crunk..... off non-alcoholic things. Be safe!

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