Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So, a few weeks ago I had gotten bored at church and decided to take apart my phone. I wanted to clean out behind the keys and the track ball. They were disgusting.

In the process of doing this, I broke the ring that hold the track ball in place. I was frustrated because it would randomly fall out, and I'd have to get it JUST RIGHT to put it back onto my phone.

Yesterday, I was very frustrated with Hunter and got out of the car very angrily. Upon doing this, the track ball, and ring fell out. I found the ring, but couldn't find the track ball. I have strep throat and really didn't have the energy to stay outside and look for it.

So, this afternoon I had to trow something away outside. I figured that since I was already down there, I would go ahead and look for the track ball. I just told myself that I could find it, and the Lord would help me. Within 30 seconds, I had the track ball in hand :)

Although I get a new phone on Friday (DROID INCREDIBLE :):):)) I still would like to use to my phone. It's funny how recently I've been so focused on being depressed and fighting my OCD, I have forgotten to let the Lord guide me. A little faith can go a long way.

Always remember that :)

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